Meet CUFA's Board of Directors

Clark Beck - President
I have been a member of CUFA for eight years and have been a board member for several years. The most compelling reason I am a member of CUFA is that this diverse organization is fighting for improvements to how people live. I reside in the College Hill neighborhood of Cincinnati. CUFA is a group of people working to correct problems and we need your participation.

Roy Davis - Vice President for External Affairs
I lived in South Cumminsville for 17+ years. I attended Southern Ohio College, and I have a BS from Miami University. I am a US Army veteran. I have been an active CUFA member for more than 10 years and on the board for many of them. The thing I like about CUFA is that we help people in the community come together and solve the problems they’re facing.

Willie Hopkins - Vice President for Internal Affairs
I have been a CUFA member for 7 years. I joined the committee to get something done about the standing water in my yard. I like how CUFA deals with problems. I’m good at listening to people and I like fighting the system. I have had several careers including social worker, truck driver, restaurant manager, and I’ve been in the Grammy Award winning gospel group the Charles Fold Singers.

Andrea Baker - Treasurer
I joined CUFA in 2020 after we experienced a sewage overflow in our basement caused by a broken sewer system. I joined with other people who had experienced the same problems. We have fought to get the City, the County, and MSD to fix the sewers for everyone. I am delighted to serve on CUFA's board because Communities United For Action is an organization that cares about the needs of communities.

Anna Burrage - Secretary
I've been a member of CUFA 4 years. Fundraising committee, 42nd anniversary committee, chaired marathon fundraisers for CUFA. Retired auto worker. Interned at the Unity Center of Greater Cincinnati. NAMI trainer Ohio certified peer supporter. Serves in leadership for the Boy Scouts of America. “I want to serve on CUFA’s board to make a positive change.

Darlene Capell
Member of CUFA 1 year. Retired customer service manger for the City. Stormwater and Sewer Justice Committees. Special help with fundraising events. Member of New Prospect Baptist Church, volunteer for Operation Wakanda-volunteer youth organization at New Prospect, member North Fairmount Community Council member, AARP member. I am interested in working with the work CUFA does for the communities.